Chris has a consistent record of serving his community and his country in a multi-faceted fashion. His six terms on Victoria City Council saw Chris address issues that affected the way citizens were able to improve the communities in which they live. Chris has been repeatedly recognized for his efforts, including:
- 2022: One of thirteen regional “literacy champions” for the Victoria Literacy Connection
- 2021: Honorary Life Member of the CFAX Santas Anonymous Board
- 2019: Honorary Life Member of the United Way
- 2018: Honorary Life Member, James Bay New Horizons Centre Society
- 2014: CFAX Santas Anonymous Volunteer of the Year
- 2002: Queen’s Jubilee Medal
- 2000: “Honorary Citizen Award”, City of Victoria
- 1994: Victoria’s “Citizen of the Year”
- 1993: Victoria’s Community Leader Runner-up
He has often been recognized for his contributions to building a better, more inclusive community. He has been the recipient of the Queen’s Jubilee Medal in 2002, Honourary Citizen for the City of Victoria in 2000, Victoria’s Citizen of the Year in 1994 and Runner up Victoria’s Community Leader in 1993. He has coached and played sports for over 40 years and enjoys reading, drinking coffee, dreaming and spending time with his wife Judith.
And this is only a snapshot of his dedication to the community.Dan Deringer, Former President of the CFAX-Santas Anonymous Board
National Involvement
Chris has always believed that Canada plays a critical international role in making the world a better place for all its citizens. Chris has also participated in a variety of activities highlighting this belief, including:
- Trips to Victoria Sister Cities Morioka, Japan and Napier, New Zealand
- 1998: Chris was part of the Victoria Protocol Team attending the Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur
- 1999: Chris was one of ten international Electoral Observers who oversaw the Mexican State election process in the State of Nayarit
- 2016: Chris represented the Federation of Canadian Municipalities International (FCMI) in Odessa, Ukraine. There Chris was a keynote speaker on “Increasing the Role of Women in Local Government”
- 2018: Chris oversaw 7 years of committee work culminating in the unveiling of the granite memorial to the twelve-year Canadian Mission in Afghanistan

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)
Chris spent a decade on the National Board of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) making sure community development was supported by federal programmes. Chris’s contributions to FCM included:
- Chair of the BC Caucus
- Chair of the Election Readiness Working Group
- Developed the “Le Canada en Livres – Canada by the Book” legacy programme for School libraries
- Member of Standing Committees including:
- Environmental Initiatives & Sustainable Development (Vice-Chair)
- Increasing the Role of Women in Local Government
- Community Safety & Crime Prevention (Vice-Chair)
- International Relations
- Conference Planning
- Social Economic Development
- One of five national members tasked with developing FCM’s Five Year Strategic Plan

Regional Involvement
Chris has worked with the region’s residents to find innovative ways to address community needs:
- Veins of Life Watershed Enhancement Society (Founding Member) – 10 years
- Parks & Recreation Foundation of Greater Victoria (Founding Member) – 10 years (former President)
- United Way of Greater Victoria, Campaign Cabinet – 12 years; Honorary Life Member
- C-FAX Santa’s Anonymous Community Board – 25 years; Honorary Life Member
- Local Co-Chair of the National Homelessness Initiative (SCPI/HPI/HPS) for 9 years.
Chris has served on:
- Finance Committee, Coalition to End Homelessness – 3 years
- B.C. Summer & Winter Games Audit Committee – 12 years
- Downtown Blanshard Community Centre Society – 3 years
- YM-YWCA Board of Directors – 2 years
- Citizen Advocacy Board of Directors – 8 years
- Christ Church Cathedral Parish Council – 3 years
Municipal Involvement
Chris has represented the interests of Victorians as:
- The Council liaison to a number of neighbourhoods including James Bay, Hillside-Quadra, Rockland, Fairfield-Gonzalez, Fernwood, Jubilee, and Downtown
- The Chair of the Corporate Services Standing Committee
- A member of the Corporate Services Standing Committee
- A member of Community and Seniors Centres’ Performance Task Force
Supporting Youth
Chris has always supported a range of youth activities, including:
- Acting as a Mentor for specific MBA students at UVIC – 5 years
- Hosting various High School and Middle School classes at City Hall
- Welcoming youth exchanges from Victoria’s Sister City of Morioka Japan
- Coaching youth sports at the High School and Club levels
- Raising books and funds for elementary school libraries
Chris has worked with many organizations raising funds for various projects, including:
- C-FAX Santas’ Anonymous Carollers – 39 years
- Supporting Sister Lucy Dumont in her Half Marathons for Mount St Mary Hospital Foundation – 5 years
- The Our Emily statue with the Parks & Recreation Foundation
- Worked with the Terry Fox Committee to place Terry’s statue at Mile Zero
- The Committee tasked with developing the Afghanistan Mission Memorial
- The Scooter Rodeos & Bottle Drives for James Bay New Horizons Seniors’ Centre
- Raising books and money for Elementary School Libraries
- Victoria Literacy Connection’s “Book Bash”